Monday, December 19, 2011

Profiling Disabled Artists

Since my last posting – I want to extend my idea to profile work of disabled people that I personally find interesting and believe what they are doing is different and unique – I had already heard of John Callahan but I did not know that he was also a singer – out of a few of his songs I found on YouTube – this was my favourite:!

What do you think?

Monday, December 12, 2011

SMA Calling – The journey begins here

My first blog entry was in 2008 – so I thought it was time to write something new in December 2011.

This blog is for anyone to read – but the purpose of this blog is to find and communicate/with people with SMA from around the world – I am interested in knowing your experiences and finding out what you do. I also intend to profile people with SMA that I have discovered on the Internet - It is fascinating learning about others with SMA. I'm interested in hearing from other people with SMA and learning all sorts of things for example – how we relate to each other – and how we maintain independence no matter what – it is my belief that people with SMA have a level of motivation that is different from any other person – we have a drive that sets us apart from other people – more commonly we would be seen to be set apart because of having SMA but I believe there is something far more outstanding in people with SMA that isn't about the medical condition – as someone who has lived with SMA for the past 46 years – I believe that there are others like me out there who for example cannot sleep until past 3 AM – have an uncontrollable desire for life and are razor sharp. Some may mistake us as living geniuses and indeed there has been research that suggests this!

I want to build up a network of living SMA adults and remember those who will live on through digital media.